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2022/09/26 19:44

“用英语讲中国故事”活动是中国教育电视台与新航道国际教育集团联合发起的一项面向海内外青少年的活动,旨在为广大青少年提供弘扬中华优秀文化、与世界交流的平台,充分展示青少年传承和弘扬中华文化的丰硕成果。In order to promote cultural exchange and communication among global youth, as well as to showcase achievements of international Chinese language education, New Channel International Education Group, together with China Education Television, is holding the 3rd “Stories of China Retold in English” Challenge.

2021年,在中外语言交流合作中心指导下,第二届活动首次设立“留学生组”,为来自不同文化背景的青年学生提供了交流的平台。各国青少年结合在华学习生活经历,用中文生动讲述他们的所见所闻所感,其中既有中国传统经典故事,也有当代中国改革开放、脱贫攻坚、抗击疫情故事,以及中外交流合作的精彩人物和事件等,成为中国与世界融合的见证者和推动者,丰富和深化了活动的内涵。The Domestic Foreign Students Category was first set up for youth from various cultural backgrounds for the 2nd “Stories of China Retold in English” Challenge in 2021 under the guidance of Center for Language Education and Cooperation.The participants from all over the world vividly told us what they had seen, heard and thought in Chinese or English, based on their study and life experience in China, including Chinese traditional classic stories and the ones of the Contemporary China's reform and opening-up, poverty alleviation, fighting COVID-19 and the wonderful characters and events of Chinese-foreign exchanges and cooperation. They have become the witnesses and facilitators for the integration of China and the world; meanwhile, their active participation has enriched and deepened the significance of the challenge.

活动详细说明如下The details are as follows:

选拔阶段和时间安排Rounds of the Challenge and Schedule


The selection of the Domestic Foreign Students Category includes four rounds: Preliminary Round, Intermediate Round, Advanced Round and Grand Final.


The closing date for the preliminary round isDecember 16th, 2022.

活动指南Guide book

关注活动公众号CN Stories,回复文字“来华留学生组”即可了解活动形式、提交方式、朗诵荐文参考及建议。

The specific time, place, and form of the event shall be subject to the notification from each region.Download the guide book:Follow the official WeChat account “CN Stories”. By typing "来华留学生组", you can learn about the activity introduction, the submission of your entries, recommended materials and related suggestions.

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